Fancy Neck Cozy - #089


Fancy Neck Cozy - #089


I was looking for a quick knit and a way to use some cool buttons. Quick also means, to me, no fiddling with button holes! So, I thought … a neck cozy! That’s a short scarf that wraps around your neck and tucks cosily into your collar. A button holds it in place and can add a stylish dimension to a very small project.

“But” you say, “what about no buttonholes? This definitely has a button to button it up”. Ahhh, but there is no buttonhole! I’ve sewn a large, decorative button on the right side of each cozy with a MUCH SMALLER shank button sewn on the back, then use the small shank button to push through the stitches on the fabric lying behind it as if it was a buttonhole. Voila!

Try this with subtle combinations of variegated yarn and solids or go to town with really bright combinations! I have also worked this in two similar coloured strands (IE two shades of blue) of soft chunky yarn (on a needle one size larger) for a more masculine effect.

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